1. 表格
  2. 标题侧

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caption-topcaption-side: top;
caption-bottomcaption-side: bottom;



使用 caption-top 将标题元素定位于表格顶部。

Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.
Wrestler Signature Move(s)
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin Stone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press
Bret "The Hitman" Hart The Sharpshooter
Razor Ramon Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam
  <caption class="caption-top">
    Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.
      <th>Signature Move(s)</th>
      <td>"Stone Cold" Steve Austin</td>
      <td>Stone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press</td>
      <td>Bret "The Hitman" Hart</td>
      <td >The Sharpshooter</td>
      <td>Razor Ramon</td>
      <td>Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam</td>


使用 caption-bottom 将标题元素定位于表格的底部。

Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.
Wrestler Signature Move(s)
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin Stone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press
Bret "The Hitman" Hart The Sharpshooter
Razor Ramon Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam
  <caption class="caption-bottom">
    Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.
      <th>Signature Move(s)</th>
      <td>"Stone Cold" Steve Austin</td>
      <td>Stone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press</td>
      <td>Bret "The Hitman" Hart</td>
      <td >The Sharpshooter</td>
      <td>Razor Ramon</td>
      <td>Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam</td>



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<table class="caption-top hover:caption-bottom">
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<table class="caption-top md:caption-bottom">
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