1. 排版
  2. 文本对齐

Quick reference

text-lefttext-align: left;
text-centertext-align: center;
text-righttext-align: right;
text-justifytext-align: justify;
text-starttext-align: start;
text-endtext-align: end;



使用 text-lefttext-centertext-righttext-justify 实用程序来控制元素的文本对齐方式。

So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys, I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things but I tell you Jerry at that moment, I was a marine biologist.

<p class="text-left ...">So I started to walk into the water...</p>

So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys, I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things but I tell you Jerry at that moment, I was a marine biologist.

<p class="text-center ...">So I started to walk into the water...</p>

So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys, I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things but I tell you Jerry at that moment, I was a marine biologist.

<p class="text-right ...">So I started to walk into the water...</p>

So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys, I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things but I tell you Jerry at that moment, I was a marine biologist.

<p class="text-justify ...">So I started to walk into the water...</p>



Tailwind 允许您使用变体修饰符有条件地在不同状态下应用实用程序类。例如,使用 hover:text-center 来仅 在 hover应用 text-center.

<p class="text-left hover:text-center">
  <!-- ... -->

详细了解, 请参考 Hover, Focus, & Other States 文档.


您还可以使用变体修饰符来定位媒体查询,例如响应式断点、暗模式、首选减少运动等。例如, 使用 md:text-center 来应用 text-center 程序,适用于中等屏幕尺寸及以上。

<p class="text-left md:text-center">
  <!-- ... -->

进一步了解,请参考 响应式设计, 暗黑模式 媒体查询.